Richard Speck Tour


Richard Speck broke into a South Side Chicago townhouse on July 13, 1966, while drunk and high on drugs. Inside were 9 student nurses, each between the ages of 20 and 24, all attending South Chicago Community Hospital. They were using this townhouse as a dormitory. Over the course of the evening, Speck strangled and stabbed these nurses. However, one student nurse, Corazon Amurao, crawled under a bed and hid. Surprisingly Speck did not find her. Ms. Amurao was the star witness in Speck’s trial, which had to be held in Peoria as too many people were outraged about it in Chicago, thus potentially tainting the jury pool. After 49 minutes of deliberations, the jury found Speck guilty of murder and gave him the death penalty. However, since then the death penalty was found to be unconstitutional and his sentence was changed to 400-1200 years. Speck died of a heart attack on December 5, 1991.

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