Piano Players Tour


The Piano Players Tour is where all the piano players are buried or interred.

Piano Players Tour Map

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Piano Players Tour Information

Piano Players Tour Information -> PDF files

Seymour Lee Abernathy
James Alston
Joshua Altheimer
Albert Ammons
Lillian Hardin Armstrong
Cora “Lovie” Austin
Charles Anderson Avery
Richard Evans “Two Ton” Baker
James L. “Jimmy” Blythe
Judson Brown
Reginald Waymond “Sonny” Burke
Daniel Burley
Harold E. Burrage
Robert “Bob” Call
Glover Compton
Robert L. “Prince” Cooper
John Henry “Blind John” Davis, Jr.
William “Will” Ezell
Edgar Cecil “Piano C. Red” Fain
Leroy Roscoe “Blind Leroy” Garrett

Charles Harvey “Barrelhouse Chuck” Goering
James Hairston
Lillian E. “Lil Diamonds” Hardaway
Arthur W. “Art” Hodes
Tony Jackson
Johnnie “Little Johnny” Jones
Lafayette C. Leake
Clarence Lofton
Albert Luandrew “Sunnyland Slim”
“Professor” Eddie Lusk
Marian McPartland
Eurreal Wilford “Little Brother” Montgomery
Aaron Moore
Orlando Chester Murden
Joseph E. Nathaniel
Iromeio “Romeo” Nelson
Charles Clifford “Charlie Bozo” Nickerson

George Noble
James Burke “St. Louis Jimmy” Oden
Horace Milton Palm
Hartzell Strathdene “Tiny” Parkham
Everett “Happy” Robbins
Charles “Charlie” Segar
Ezra Norma (Rowlett) Shelton
Clarence “Pinetop” Smith
Lloyd William Smith
Otis Spann
Douglas “Doug” Suggs
George Washington Thomas, Jr.
Earma Jean (Grant) Thompson
Johnny Mayon “Big Moose” Walker
Eddie Lee Watson “Lovie Lee”
Emery Williams, Jr. “Detroit Junior”
Frank “Sweet” Williams
Alonzo Yancy
“Jimmy” James Edward Yancy