Hot Dog Tour

  • November 17, 2024

The Hot Dog Tour is where to find all the highest rated hot dogs in Chicago and Chicagoland! Here, you will find the classic, dragged through the garden Chicago hot dog. You will find classic Chicago depression dogs. You will also find some slight variations of hot dogs, as well as one or two exotic variants on the hot dog. Enjoy!

Classic Chicago Dog – Steamed poppy seed bun, Beef hot dog, yellow mustard, onions, green sweet relish, tomatoes, pickle spear, celery salt and sports peppers.

Depression Dog – Steamed poppy seed bun, Beef hot dog, yellow mustard, onions and sports peppers.

Most Chicago hot dogs are cooked in boiling water or steamed. There is also a type of Chicago hot dog that is cooked on a grill, called a char-dog, which has a slightly different flavor. Try both types if you are adventurous.

If you order fries with a Chicago Hot Dog, typically you will get those packaged separately from the hot dog. However some places will cover your hot dog in fries and wrap both together.

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Hot Dog Tour Information

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