Chicago White Sox Tour


The Chicago White Sox is Chicago’s second professional baseball team. They currently play in the American League Central Division of Major League Baseball. Starting out as the Sioux City Cornhuskers, Charles Comiskey bought the team in 1894 and moved them to St. Paul, MN in 1895 and re-named them the St. Paul Saints. Then in 1900, he again moved the team, this time to Chicago and again he re-named them, this time to the Chicago White Stockings. The team now known as the Cubs had abandoned that name by then. In 1904 they became known as the Chicago White Sox. They have won three World Series: 1906, 1917 and 2005.

Chicago White Sox Tour Maps

Chicago White Sox Tour Map -> Google Maps

Chicago White Sox Tour Information

Chicago White Sox Tour Information -> PDF files

Chicago White Sox Tour Links