Artists Tour


The Artists Tour is where all the famous arists are buried or interred.

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Artists Tour Information

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William Bartholomew
Beverly Blossom
Gwendolyn Brooks
Algis Budrys
Karl Albert Buehr
Charles H. Chamberlain
Henry Darger
Billy Debeck
Sandy Dvore
James Thomas Farrell
Eugene Field
Harold Lincoln Gray

Carl Alfred Grubert, Jr.
Chester Gould
George Henry Alexander Healy
Ernest Martin Hennings
John Christian Johanson
Henry Stephen Keeler
Vincas Kudirka
Cornelius Krieghoff
Charla Krupp
Margaret Landon
Robert Lewis May
Michelle Rose McBride

William Montgomery McGovern
Laszlo Mohony-Nagy
Archibald John Motley, Jr.
John Nash Ott
Ruth Page
Ed Paschke
Grace Ravlin
Arthur Sidney Siegel
Shel Silverstein
Leonard Wells Volk
Ezra Joseph Warner III
George Benjamin Wittick